This is a mix of journalists, doctors, nurses, academics, health professionals:
NOTE! This page is not for an organization. This is not an "enterprise".
Inclusion here does not mean these people know each other, or are working together.
The term #TeamNoVirus is simply a shorthand to indicate MY LIST (Bill Huston) of people
who are enlightened on the the non-existence of SARS-CoV-2.
I've just had a very prominent person see her name here and essentially threaten me with legal action,
and copied two of the Senior Elders of our movement, who have NOTHING to do with this list. 🤷🤦
There are now two people who have been removed from this list who get it,
but have emotional issues or personal problems, or who have attacked other people here.
I'm looking for people who play nice with others, and whom I can enthusiastically support.
I do have two co-editors now, so this is not solely my (BH) list anymore.
Hopefully the new editors will maintain the spirit of how I envisioned this page to me.
This page is a wiki! Feel free to edit.
Contact: moc.liamnotorp|emarfehtegnahc#moc.liamnotorp|emarfehtegnahc for help.
Tentative New Additions. Let's welcome them!
- Dolores Cahill — "Dr. Cahill was fully supportive of our findings and statements." — Christine Massey, 7/9/2022
- Mike Yeadon is making positive movement
- Samantha ("Sam") & Mark Bailey (#TeamBailey) (
- Tom Barnett (TomBarnett.TV)
- John Bevan-Smith
- Dean Braus
- Kelly Brogan
- Eric Francis Coppolino (
- Kevin Corbett
- Tom Cowan (
- David Crowe (RIP)
- Torsten Englebrecht
- Steve Falconer (SpaceBusters)
- Sally Fallon-Morell
- Jordan Grant — NOTE: I am including Jordan because he gets the virus issue correct. However, I do not follow him due to his unscientific, arrogant, and pushy Flat Earth beliefs.
- Marcus Gray
- Peggy Hall (REASON)
- Patrick Henningsen
- William Huston (Can I be on my own list? EFC says I "radicalized" him, so I guess that's something! FTR I was radicalized by N.R.)
- Andrew Kaufman (
- Jim Dandy Novax O'Kelly (Shots of Truth)
- Faiez Kirsten
- Claus Köhnlein
- Barre Lando (
- Stefan Lanka
- Dawn Lester (
- Debbie Rose Lusignan (Unite4Truth) RIP
- Ricardo Maarman
- Christine Massey (Christine Massey)
- Eleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos (The Perth Group)
- David Parker (
- Jon Rappoport (
- Stefano Scoglio
- Michael S (Speth) (NZ)
- Kate Shemirani REASON
- Mike Stone (
- Val Turner / Perth Group
- The Unacceptable Fakeologist (
- Amandha Dawn Vollmer (Yummy.Doctor)
- Alec Zeck (
Filmmakers, Journalists and Podcasters
- Michael Bryant ( (Contributor to Planet Waves FM)
- Ramola D. (Dharmaraj)
- Konstantin Demeter
- Jeremy Nell ( — POSSIBLE REMOVAL based on his recent "They're becoming a woke cult" tweet.
- David Icke (
- Max Igan (
- Sol Luckman (
- Sebastien Powell
- Alexander Raskovic (
- Josh Sigurdson / World Alternative Media
- Kate Sugak
- Tim Truth
- Mike Wallach (Viral Delusion)
- Brian Young (High Impact Flix . speaks about the issue rarely)
Very close, positive movement
- Lee Merritt - DEMERITS for her comments on Poornima Wagh after she was exposed as a fraud
- Larry Palevsky - DEMERITS for his comments on Poornima Wagh after she was exposed as a fraud
- Astrid Stuckelberger
Orgs + sites
- Global Research
- Off Guardian
- The Perth Group
- Unite4Truth
- * VirusTruth.NET